Here’s an outline of a plan that might work for you:

First, I would recommend spending a few minutes to get familiar with the free services in the app:

  • Tips – try a search.
  • News Reader – check out a stock or two.
  • Preferences – see that you’re in complete control.
  • Check out the opening Guide again (i + book on top right)
  • Visit the (i) info popups to learn what each section is about.
  • Subscribe. Every subscription includes a no obligations 7-day free trial.

Many Things are different for subscribers:

  • Ticker is no longer •••• for stock symbols. Stock symbols are real.
  • Zone Changes section opens up its exclusive insights for subscribers.
  • Gear button shows an instant status and summary of each stock you own and a summary of your portfolio versus the Index.
  • Chart button appears (tap Gear button) to show visual performance of each stock you own and a summary versus the Index.
  • Score Card tap now shows Individual Stock table with the S&P 100 stocks ordered by Price Momentum.
  • At the top right is the (+) button which allows subscribers to input their purchases’ dates, quantities and prices. This powers the comparison with Index and all the scorecards and the charts and the instant status (Gear button).

How to invest using Beyond ETFs:

Think of the structure of the Zone Changes report: list of the S&P 100 stocks, rank ordered by Price Momentum and grouped into zones:

  • the top 10 stocks being the BUY* zone
  • the next fifteen are the DON’T BUY MORE zone
  • the rest are the AVOID zone.

The Sell Threshold is at position 26, the entry into the AVOID zone.

Consider the approach of the Model. The Model (our simulator that compares against the non-subscriber scorecard), starts with $100,000 to invest and BUY*s $10,000 worth of each of the ten stocks in the BUY* zone, at yesterday’s close.

Then as any of these stocks migrate past the SELL* threshold (position 26), the Model sells it and uses the proceeds to purchase the highest ranked stock not already owned and in the BUY* zone.

Not all subscribers will want to choose ten stocks. That’s ok. One subscriber I know, purchased the top two stocks and is loving the growth.

I like to think that the reason the stocks often move around the rank ordering because the other stocks of the S&P 100 are competing to get up the list and are being more successful at moving up than the stock you bought in the BUY* zone is at keeping its place. It’s not personal; it’s investing.

Special Case: The stock you bought that is now in the DON’T BUY MORE zone may still be making money for you, just not perhaps as quickly as a current BUY* zone stock might. The Brockmann Model says we should hang on until the stock passes the Sell Threshold.

Things Subscribers Notice:

Tapping the Scorecard goes to the Individual Stock Table. Some stocks at the top are red (rose actually), others white and yellow. What does this mean?

Generally, stocks that are white are in the BUY* zone, stocks that are yellow are in the DON’T BUY MORE zone and stocks that are red are in the AVOID zone.
The stocks presented in the Individual Stock Table are organized by their rank.
If there is content on the right side of the cell (besides the company name), it is because you’ve added details about your purchase of that stock via the (+) button at the top right.

If a stock you own passes below the Sell Threshold and into the AVOID zone, it will appear at the top of the Individual Stock Table. That way you know unambiguously what to sell.

How can a subscriber add more than one purchase of a stock to their Scorecard?

The Add Stock view is like a spreadsheet where the stock symbols are listed on the left. So, the way to add more than one purchase of a stock is to add one, tap the Save button which redirects to the Individual Stock Table.
Now, tap the (+) button again and enter in the second purchase details. Tap Save button to record your purchase. Now when redirected to the Individual Stock Table there are now two entries present – one for the first purchase, the second for the second.
This assures that your entries of each of these two purchases (or more) are accurately represented in your Scorecard.

Swiping the stock in Individual Stock Table to the left presents a red Delete button.

This is what subscribers should do when they sell one or more stocks – swipe them to the left, and tap Delete. This adjusts your Scorecard appropriately.

* Brockmann & Company are not financial advisors.
