I came across this powerful note in the FierceDeveloper newsletter, that pointed out that manufacturers have contests to convince software developers to write applications for their platforms. And platforms there are. Here's the shocking lowdown:

  • Google Android – we've posted on this space (I'm seriously considering getting a G1 (HTC/Google/T-Mobile))
  • Blackberry Developer's Challenge
  • NetBiscuits Mobile Web Developer Contest
  • Nokia's Calling All Innovators
  • Sony-Ericsson Developer Contest
  • Talent SCout by 4DK Technologies


Although Android's program was the first contest that I'd heard of, it makes loads of business sense. The device manufacturers want and need a vibrant community of developers to keep consumers and their mobile operators happy. The problem with attracting developers is that most will not see much revenue from their application, so there has to be a bigger motivation to develop a lot of programs quickly, in time for product launch. And, the contest seems to be the best model to achieving this goal.
