Video: Dominates – Point and Click
In our report, The Perfect Storm: Why Video Conferencing Will Dominate Business Communications, we discussed several important reasons why video conferencing will finally grow outside the niche it exists today in the pantheon of business communications. Here's one more reason.
High definition video conferencing has elegant software to enable point and click operation. Compared to classic room systems with monitor TVs, codecs, ISDN bridges and various cameras, the latest class of HD gear is easy to install, a joy to operate and easy to get it right the first time. The industry has invested appropriately in simplifying the User Interface. It's easier to reach people I want to reach than using the telephone. It's in fact a lot like the TV remote control – point and click to see what you want.
Controls of legacy systems may have been point and click to turn on or move the camera, but the initial session process meant typing ISDN circuit numbers into the ISDN bridge, and then into the other one… it hurt, alot.