This site has been implemented using HTML, Joomla and now WordPress. I’ve been delighted with the WordPress community and the stable plugins and services available.

In particular, one plugin, Wordfence wins accolades from others and deserves accolades from me. I get periodic emails about problems detected on my site, recent blocked IP addresses added to my implementation and even failed login attempts. Well, today, I’m motivated to write about how Wordfence helped me and my site.

Besides letting me know that plugins are out of date and need to be upgraded, they’ve also informed me whenever somebody (usually me) logs into the site. Very handy.

Earlier today, I got an email notification that a particular site that I had formed a link to in 2007, had been attacked and was passing malicious code to unsuspecting visitors. Yikes!

Time to edit that post! Thanks Wordfence for helping the Internet be the safe place it could be, free from distracting and malicious nuisances.
