
Continuing with the ‘working green’ series, this report summaries the practices and policies of organizations based in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Compared to others, North American users in the Brockmann & Company panel demonstrated a 24% higher Green Quotient than their peers from other countries. North America is defined as respondents from Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Using the 3R framework of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, the perspectives of North Americans were reviewed and contrasted with the rest of the world. North Americans organizations are surprisingly green, and are thought to be so by their employees – more so than others. North Americans were strong in the use of reusable technologies such as video conferencing and in their cultural acclimatization to the use of video conferencing instead of travel.

As well, North American respondents used power control initiatives to reduce electrical consumption through motion detectors on lights and time-of-day control programs. North Americans however, were weakest with recycling, where others were stronger on both recycling cans, bottles and plastics and in the number of places in the office workplace that users can deposit recyclable products.