midmarketforumsForums are an important part of the customer support model for most software companies. They offer an effective and inexpensive method to amplify expertise by leveraging a self-service approach and group learning. Anyone can read the threads and discover the answer to their question that had been answered before, but only members can ask new questions. The support experts offer answers. Oftentimes companies are able to harness non-employees to offer assistance and help newbies and users find the answers to their questions.

Forums are however, not appropriate where personal information is necessary to replicate the experience or where sensitive corporate details may be discussed. A more secure traditional support service might be better in these circumstances. Nevertheless, the application class is making inroads into all manner of industries as a platform for internal communications and external multiplication of expertise.

This report reviews the state of Forum deployment and experience in MidMarket organizations, defined by Brockmann & Company as those with 101-1000 employees.

Comparing the MidMarket experience in consumption and deployment plans for forums to address employee

Expectations on growth in the frequency of meetings and growth in the length of meetings are also reviewed.
