
Key questions answered in this report

How does the MidMarket use conferencing services? How does this segment value video conferencing in terms of being an alternative to business travel, an alternative to audio or web conferencing? Are there brand implications for using video conferencing to collaborate with customers?

Brockmann & Company uses the variable number of employees as the key scale factor in contrasting the needs of diverse market segments. The MidMarket is defined as organizations with more than 100 and less than 2,500 employees. This analysis is a derivative of the recent Value of Video Communications report.

Key findings:

  • Face-to-face is a substantial component of MidMarket collaboration
  • MidMarket users would pay 23% more than others to avoid the 50-mile day trip by substituting a 1 hour HD video session
  • 43% more of the MidMarket are very satisfied with their video conferencing experience than others

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