Sir William was born in Kent, England in 1595 and died on December 6, 1654. He earned a degree from Oxford University and was knighted by Charles I in 1632. In 1643, he was appointed Sheriff of Kent in respect of his loyalty to the King and the extensive landholdings in the county. Brockman is an important name surname in Kent and has been so for 500 years.

Sir William was noted for his heroic defense of Maidstone against the superior republican forces of Cromwell, led by Fairfax in 1648. The Wikipedia article includes images of the family coat of arms and a discussion of Sir William’s second cousin who left for Aruba and probably the American colonies.

The Journal of the House of Lords for June 3, 1648 notes the following letter from Fairfax, the commander of republican forces:

My Lord,
It having pleased God to give us a Victory against those who without and against the Authority of Parliament raised an Army, I held it my Duty to give your Lordship an Account thereof (in brief), Time not permitting me at present to give the Particulars at large.

The Engagement with them began the last Night, about Seven of the Clock, near Maydstone, and continued a very fierce and hot Dispute until after Twelve, before we could be Masters of the Town: The Enemy, by reason of the continued Supplies which they received from their Forces by the Passage over Alesford, were enabled to dispute every Street and Passage.

The choicest of their Forces (as we understand) were appointed for this Service; and the Lord Gowring commanded them as General. There was about Two Hundred of the Enemy slain, many wounded, about Nine Hundred Prisoners, Four Hundred Horse, and Eight Pieces of Cannon, and great Store of Arms and Ammunition taken. Sir William Brockman and others of the Gentlemen are Prisoners. As God hath been pleased in Mercy to give you this Victory, so I desire that we may return all Thankfulness unto Him for it. I shall (as God shall enable me) improve this Advantage; and remain

Your Lordship’s Humble Servant, T. Fairefax
Maidstone, 3 June, 1648
